Visi Misi Universitas dan Fakultas
Vision of Bina Nusantara University:
A World-class university, fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation.
Mission of Bina Nusantara University:
The mission of BINUS University is to build the nation and to contribute in global community development by providing world class education by means of :
Educating BINUSIAN to develop exemplary characters through holistic approach that meets global standards.
Resolving the nation’s issues through high impact research.
Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through self-enrichment.
Empowering BINUSIAN to continuously improve society’s quality of life.
Being the main driver to enrich the BINUS Higher Education system.
Values of Bina Nusantara University:
Based on our belief in God, our passion for education, and our view of a bright future, we are committed to developing the nation and to building a global community through education and technology.
This commitment is reflected in the values of Bina Nusantara, which become the guidance of our actions:
- Striving for excellence.
We continuously do our best to achieve high quality results in every aspect of our work. - Perseverance.
We stay calm, focused, never give up, and quickly recover in overcoming challenges. - Integrity.
We are honest, transparent, sincere, and courageous in doing the right thing. - Respect.
We Care for others; we value differences and contributions from every individual - Innovation.
We encourage creative, breakthrough, and sustainable ideas to continuously improve processes in order to achieve better results. - Teamwork.
We believe in the importance of collaborative, effective, and trustful working relationships as one team.
Quality Policy
BINUS University is committed to providing a world class education with international learning experience that makes positive contributions to the global community
Quality Objectives 2020
- Two out of every three graduates work in the global companies or become entrepreneurs who foster and empower the society.
- One out of every three graduates hold a certificate of competence
- All students have international experience
- Achieves World Class University Rating.
- All Faculty Members have International Papers.
- 750 Intellectual Property Rights are legally registered.
- The Academic Satisfaction Index achieves 80%.
- The Stakeholder Satisfaction Index achieves 80%.
Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Sasaran Unit Pengelola
Unit Pengelola Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur di Universitas Bina Nusantara adalah Fakultas Teknik. Dalam penetapan visi, misi, tujuan dan sasaran utama, Fakultas Teknik berpedoman pada “Core Competence” yang telah lebih dulu ditetapkan oleh para pendiri Yayasan Bina Nusantara yaitu pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan berbasiskan teknologi informasi serta berlandaskan pada visi dan misi Universitas Bina Nusantara dengan target pencapaian di tahun 2020, sekaligus memayungi visi keilmuan bidang teknik terkait dengan keunikan 6 program studi yang ada di dalamnya.
Visi dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bina Nusantara adalah:
Menjadi Fakultas Teknik yang kompetitif dan unggul yang dapat meningkatkan keberlangsungan komunitas lokal maupun global melalui penelitian dan inovasi dalam bidang teknik terapan.
Misi dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bina Nusantara adalah:
- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berkualitas dunia melalui ilmu pengetahuan terapan dan praktisi profesional terbaik yang secara unggul dapat terus mempersiapkan para pemimpin masa depan
- Mengedepankan inovasi, menyelenggarakan layanan professional dan penelitian unggulan yang dapat meningkatkan dan menjamin kualitas hidup bangsa dan dunia pada abad ke 21
- Menghadirkan proses belajar mengajar yang kaya dan kondusif melalui pengakuan dan penghargaan terhadap talenta-talenta yang paling kreatif dan memiliki nilai tambah, serta memelihara sikap untuk selalu berbagi pengetahuan
Tujuan strategis dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bina Nusantara, yaitu:
Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki Global Standard Technical C